Homework Submit your letter with questions hereor ninok@freemail.ru
Message Board Please read the rules first before sending a letter with questions. In future it will save time to both of us. Thank you.

1. You can ask me questions about your homework in following subjects:
  • Mathematics- beginning from the table of multiplication and finishing with calculus.
  • Chemistry- from elementary to advanced level.
  • Biology- from elementary to advanced level.
  • Any other science subjects, related to the same subcategory.
  • My weak spot is physics (poor knowledge of english terminology and etc!).But if you have any questions in this field, I'll try to answer.
  • Plus, it would be my pleasure to help out those students, who have ESL- English Second Language.

2. Don't expect me to give you the whole solution to the problem!!! I'll just give you as many hints as it's possible, so you could reach the solution with your own brains! Believe me, additional thinking never hurts!

3.In your letter describe as precisely, as you can to which subject and to which topic this problem of yours is related.

4.Please do not write more than 3 problems in a week! Of course,I'd like to help you as much as it's possible, but you're not the only one (unfortunately!), who asks all the questions!

5.Finally, don't forget to provide me with your Return Address- in reverse situation, I greatly doubt your ability to obtain the answer:)And also be so kind not to use attachments to your letter- the probability of computer viruses is big enough.
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